
Disease prevention on farm

Similar to other animals goats also suffer from many diseases. I will give more details about each of these in my upcoming posts. But, this post is more about preventing diseases on farm. Of all the diseases I will broadly classify them as infectious and non infectious. Infectious diseases are those which cause due to bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Non infectious diseases are those which cause due to toxins (plant or chemicals), malnutrition or deficiency of nutrients, over eating etc. Non infectious or infectious, both types can incur heavy losses. Although various drug treatments, vaccines or supplements are available; Prevention by all means is always better than cure!!!!! Once disease happens, it invites various expenditures such as drug cost, Vet charges, weight loss, mortality and labour expenses. Recovered animals also take long time to regain desired weight. But, is it really possible to prevent entering these diseases on your farm? I will not say 100%, but...

Rearing Kids/Lambs for profit

Kids/Lambs for profit Heavy losses incur due to mortality in kids/lambs. Kids mortality is maximum in first 3 months of life.  Reasons of kids mortality : Lack of immunity – less colostrum/milk Hypothermia- pneumonia Pneumonia- less immunity, hypothermia, poor flooring/housing Diarrhoea – less immunity, improper feed, unhygienic housing and flooring How to avoid losses: Kids care start when they are still in their mothers uterus. Kids or lambs should born healthy. • All does/ewes should be given good flushing ration (before mating) to prevent early embryonic mortality. • Graze or feed them separately from rest of the herd. Often mixing with adult male or other aggressive females may cause abortion/early embryonic mortality. • Pregnant doe should be dewormed before kidding with pregnancy safe dewormer(4th or 5th month of Pregnancy). • Ensure supply of good quality sufficient feed and water. • Vaccinate pregnant does/ewes with PPR and ET minimum 3...

Keeping Goats

If you are new with goats and planning to start a goat farm; my advise to you to simply follow these minor but important notes: *Start with two goats; 1 male and 1 female They should be local breeds.(e.g. If you are staying in Maharashtra then select Osmanabadi, Sagamneri or any local breed from surrounding region.) Purpose behind selecting local breed is, they are well suited to environment, easily available in nearby markets. * Start with kids- should be above 3 months. Choose healthy one. With kids at start one can observe their growth, health/physiological status,feeding habits, behaviour (normal/abnormal- as this is important to management point of view). Also kids are cheaper than adults and pregnant females. * Why above 3 months: First 3 months of life are very crucial. Kids are still dependent on doe for milk.Immune system is still developing. Any stress may cause death in kids. Keeping records This is the most important aspect of any type of farming. Maintaining var...

Planning a profitable goat farm

It is easier to manage one or two goats than managing a farm. You need to thoroughly research the market and the operational factors. Information should be gathered from a broad range of sources: existing farm owners, other local farmers, publications, the internet, agriculture universities, primary industries, consultants and financial advisors. After market study, you need to have a clear understanding of your personal and business goals. Livestock farming requires day to day attention. You have to change your lifestyle accordingly. Is it a full-time or part-time commitment? Type of farm you want to develop: There are many options; such as one who has surplus agriculture land, both feed and water is available in plenty, may choose to do it as mixed enterprise. In this type, one gets advantage of fodder availability and the manure from goat farming can be used for agriculture. Goats can be grazed on crop stubbles and help in weed control. Goats are relatively cheap with respect to ...

What we must know to be a successful goat farmer?

The goat husbandry has a bright future with great potential for growth. This opportunity exists because the huge demand for various goat products, such as meat, milk, cheese, leather and fiber, exceeds supply. Goat rearing can be the sole enterprise or part of a mixed business. In rural India goats are always reared by farmers and are mainly fed on crop waste and or grazed. Before going into goats, one should consider the following: Market potential: This is the first and most important step. One should investigate the market, taking into consideration the demand of product (meat/milk or other), year round market or specific period of demand, distance from your farm. By studying product demand, you can select and determine the breed and breeding policies for your herd. Market period will give you idea of making product ready for market when there is demand. Transportation of animals to longer duration often leads to losses and increases the production cost. Land and clima...