Planning a profitable goat farm
It is easier to manage one or two goats than managing a farm. You need to thoroughly research the market and the operational factors. Information should be gathered from a broad range of sources: existing farm owners, other local farmers, publications, the internet, agriculture universities, primary industries, consultants and financial advisors. After market study, you need to have a clear understanding of your personal and business goals. Livestock farming requires day to day attention. You have to change your lifestyle accordingly. Is it a full-time or part-time commitment? Type of farm you want to develop: There are many options; such as one who has surplus agriculture land, both feed and water is available in plenty, may choose to do it as mixed enterprise. In this type, one gets advantage of fodder availability and the manure from goat farming can be used for agriculture. Goats can be grazed on crop stubbles and help in weed control. Goats are relatively cheap with respect to ...